Tattooing Guide
Get Acquainted
Before you get a tattoo made on your body, it is advisable to gather complete information on the tattooing process. You need to be aware of how would the process be undertaken and the amount of pain it is likely to cause. Another aspect that you need to be acquainted with is that the tattoo will be there with you throughout your life, unless and until you undertake the painful and expensive removal process. So, getting a tattoo made at the spur of the moment is not a good idea. It is better to be a bit cautious earlier, than regret later on.
Find a Professional
It is very necessary for you to find a professional for getting the tattoo made. While an improperly made tattoo can cause skin allergies and infections, use of infected needles can also lead to fatal diseases like AIDS. So, make sure that the tattoo parlor you are visiting is hygienic and makes us of disposable needles and fresh ink, for every session. To ascertain the authenticity of the artist, you can enquire about his/her association with a professional organization/ group.
Select The Design
One of the basic requirements of getting yourself tattooed is the selection of the design. If you have one in mind already, nothing can be better. Otherwise, you can make use of the collection of designs that are offered at the tattoo parlor. Going through magazines and browsing the internet can also help you arrive at the perfect tattoo design. Even though your specific design costs a bit more money, it will be worth it, as you will be sporting the tattoo throughout your life.
Go For Ink Proofing
After you have selected the design of the tattoo, the next step would comprise of choosing colors for the same. It is very necessary to ask the tattoo artist to provide proofing of the colored inks, before using the same. This is because some of the colors look good on certain skin tones, while others don't. Then, there is always the risk of a particular color looking dull and faded on the skin. So, always ask the inks to be proofed beforehand.
Some Tips